Wall art

E. Allison Peers Symposium 2021: Erresistentzia imajinarioak Euskal Herrian / Imaginaries of Resistance in the Basque Country

3:00pm - 5:00pm / Friday 7th May 2021
Type: Symposium / Category: Department
  • Admission: Ekitaldia dohakoa da, baina izena eman, mesedez, Eventbrite esteka honetan / This is a free event however, please register via the Eventbrite link provided
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Ekitaldiari buruz

Aurtengo sinposioak erresistentzia imajinarioak hartuko ditu hizpide hiru hitzaldi labur eta mahai-inguru baten bidez. Ekitaldiak gizarte aldaketari buruz Euskal Herrian bertan zein haratago sortzen ari diren ikuskera artistiko eta aktibistak arakatuko ditu. Testuinguru horretatik abiatuta, imajinario alternatiboen garapenaren arrastoari jarraituko diogu alor jakin batzuetan gaindi, hala nola gune liminalak, muga geografiko zein semiotikoak edota elkar gurutzaturiko identitate zein identifikazio-prozesuak. Nola artikulatzen da bidegabekerien, bazterkerien eta indarkerien aurkako erresistentzia periferia espazial, sozial eta sinbolikoetan? Nolako imajinarioak dira gauzagarriak? Nola taxutzen dituzte imajinario horiek praktika sozialak?

This year’s symposium will include talks and a roundtable on the theme of imaginaries of resistance. The event will explore emerging artistic and activist visions of social change within and beyond the context of the contemporary Basque Country. Using this context as a starting point, we will follow the development of alternative imaginaries particularly in liminal spaces, across geographical and semiotic borders, and through intersected identities and identifications. How is resistance against injustices, marginalisations, and violences articulated at spatial, social, and symbolic peripheries? What kinds of imaginaries can become possible, and how do they inform social practices? Sinposioaren programa eta hizlarien obra / Symposium programme and speakers' bio