Haiti - Colonialism, Occupation and the UN
- Birte Gippert
- Admission: Free to all
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All foreign interventions have left legacies in the Haitian political, economic, and social structures, entrenching inequality and injustice in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. The UN Stabilization Mission MINUSTAH was deployed to Haiti in 2004 to support the reform of the domestic security sector, mainly the police, support democracy, and increase basic security.
Just before the withdrawal and transition to a non-peacekeeping UN presence in October 2019, Haiti has seen almost continuous riots on the streets, shootings in front of the parliament, and politically motivated murders of journalists. Voter turnout for the presidential elections in 2010 and 2016 were estimated at 22.5% and 28% respectively. What does this legacy mean for Haiti’s future?
Panel Debate: Professor Charles Forsdick, Dr Xavier Mathieu, Dr Birte Gippert, Dr Robert Knox
Please join us after the panel debate for a wine reception and informal discussions with the presenters.