Peruvian protestors

The Quipu Project: Constructing a History from Testimonies about Unconsented Sterilisation in 1990s Peru — Prof Matthew Brown (University of Bristol)

3:30pm - 5:00pm / Wednesday 7th March 2018
Type: Seminar / Category: Department / Series: History Seminar Series
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This talk will discuss the Quipu Project, an AHRC-funded experiment in interactive digital storytelling, which presents the testimonies of Peruvians who were sterilised without their consent in Peru under the presidency of Alberto Fujimori. It will present reflections on the author's December 2017 trip to Huancabamba, Piura, for a three-day meeting with the women who shared their testimonies with Quipu back in 2014, around the meanings and limitations of the project.