Analytic-Bridge-Continental + (ABC+) Process Philosophy Workshop

9:00am - 8:30pm / Saturday 29th October 2016
Type: Workshop / Category: Department
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ABC+ organizers are encouraging inclusive debate in the interests of concerted, high-quality, global and emancipatory philosophy. This event focuses on the ability of process philosophy to forge constructive links between today's philosophical currents, including Continental, Analytic, Marxist, Feminist, Eastern, Pragmatist and Environmentalist. We will also discuss future ABC+ work on other fields and topics.

Invited Speakers:
Christopher Norris, Distinguished Research Professor, Cardiff University
Johanna Seibt, Professor of Philosophy, Aarhus University

09.00: Registration (with tea and coffee)
09.30: Conference Introduction – Oliver George Downing & Richard Shield
10.00: Tina Röck, University of Dundee
Neither Here nor There: Between a Description of the Multiple and Dynamic
Concrete and an Analysis of the Abstracted
10.30: Ruthie Miller, University of Liverpool
Process Theory of Causation or Casual Theory of Process?
11.00: Tea and Coffee Break
11.30: Johanna Seibt, Aarhus University
13.00: Lunch
13.45: Hilan Bensusan, Université Libre de Bruxelles/Universidade de Brasília
The ABC of Agency, Being Up for Grabs and Contingency
14.15: Anne Sophie Meincke, University of Exeter
Persons as Biological Processes A Bio-Processual Way-Out of the Personal Identity
14.45: Tea and Coffee Break
15.15: Christopher Norris, University of Cardiff
16.45: Tea and Coffee Break
17.15: Franca d’Agostini, University of Milan
17.45: Robert Booth, University of Liverpool
Process Metaphysics and the Shadow of Kant
18.15: Roundtable Discussion/Tea and Coffee Break
19.30: Closing Remarks – Oliver George Downing & Richard Shield
19.45: Wine Reception
20.30: Conference Dinner