RNA alternative splicing and cancer - towards a splicing code

12:30pm - 2:00pm / Tuesday 4th October 2016 / Venue: Physiology Seminar Room Nuffield Wing
Type: Seminar / Category: Department / Series: Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology Seminar Series
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Professor Yang Wang, Institute of Cancer Stem Cell, Dalian Medical University, China will be giving his seminar titled: "RNA alternative splicing and cancer - towards a splicing code"

This will take place in the Physiology Seminar Room, Ground Floor, Nuffield Building and will be hosted by Judy Coulson.

Coffee will be served from 12.30pm and the seminar will begin at 1.00pm.

Professor Yang Wang graduated from Dalian Medical University in 2001 with a Bachelor degree in Clinical Medicine. He gained a PhD in Cancer Cell Biology at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences of China in 2007, and then held a post-doctoral research position and subsequently a research assistant position at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in US. In 2013, Yang was recruited by the Chinese “1000-Young-Talents” project, and joined the Institute of Cancer Stem Cell at Dalian Medical University in China as a full professor. In 2014, he was awarded the NSFC Excellent Young Scientist, and subsequently a Newton Advanced Fellowship from the Academy of Medical Sciences in the UK. Yang’s research is mainly focused on the molecular mechanism of RNA alternative splicing, and aberrant alternative splicing within human cancer. He has published first and corresponding author papers in prestigious international journals, including Cancer Cell, Nature Methods, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, and Nature Communications.