Doing effective public engagement on violence: an interdisciplinary Liverpool/UCD Workshop
- Deana Heath
- Suitable for: Colleagues and PGRs from the University of Liverpool and University College Dublin
- Admission: Free
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Workshop Timetable
9:00 Welcome (Prof. Alison Fell, Dean of Histories Languages and Cultures, and Prof. Deana Heath, University of Liverpool)
9:15-10:45 Education and Ethics (Chair: Prof. Alison Fell)
- “Making Fascism Un-Cool: Challenges of Educating the British Public about Fascism”, Dr. Roland Clark (History, University of Liverpool)
- “How to Teach Violence?”, Dr. Jenna Byers (History, University College Dublin)
- “Two Ethical Dilemmas in Communicating Violence”, Dr. Rich Stupart (Communications and Media, University of Liverpool)
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-12:30 Gender-Based Violence and Research (Chair: Prof. Deana Heath)
- “’Battered and beyond’: Oral History and Domestic Violence”, Dr. Kelly Fitzgerald (Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore, UCD)
- “Co-Creation: The Role of Affected Collaborating Communities in Framing Public Engagement on Violence and the Researcher as Chorus”, Athanasia Francis (PhD Candidate in Hispanic Studies, University of Liverpool)
- “Women, Peace and Security? Gender-based Violence and Legacies of the Past”, Dr. Claire Pierson (Politics, University of Liverpool)
12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30-3:00 Commemoration and the Museum (Chair: Prof. Barry Godfrey)
- “Violence in the Museum Gift Shop”, Dr. Jeremiah Garsha (History, UCD)
- “Challenging Narratives of Violence in Museums: Towards ‘Diversality’ and Digital Engagement”, Marjotte Miles (PhD Candidate in History, University of Liverpool)
- “Violence Against Children in the Holocaust – A Case Study for Public Engagement with Research on Violence”, Lior Tibet (PhD Candidate in History, UCD)
3:00-3:15 Break
3:15:4:15 Films and Audience (Chair: Dr. Roland Clark)
- “Roebourne”, Prof. Barry Godfrey (Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology, University of Liverpool)
- “Whose Violence is it Anyway? Public Engagement, Audience Emotion and the Responsibilities of the Researcher”, Dr. Maria Flood (Languages, Cultures and Film, University of Liverpool)
4:15-4:45 Discussion (Chair: Prof. Deana Heath)