Often seen but seldom heard: Giving voice to Britain’s birth cohort members
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Speaker: Dr JD Carpentieri, Associate Professor of Social Sciences and Policy, Institution of Education, University College London
Have you heard cohort studies? Are you interested in mixed methods research? Here is a fantastic opportunity to engaging with a world-leading researcher on British cohort studies from the Centre for Longitudinal Studies at UCL.
The UK’s birth cohort studies have been referred to as the “jewel in the crown” of British social science. These studies, which include cohorts born in 1946 and 1958, follow large, nationally representative samples of Britons from birth to death. Cohort studies thus inevitably become studies of ageing. However, almost all cohort study research has been quantitative, meaning that the voices of cohort members themselves have largely gone unheard.
Over the last decade, Dr Carpentieri has sought to listen to and understand these voices by conducting qualitative and mixed methods research. In this CALC seminar, he will reflect on the challenges and benefits of focusing on cohort members’ own voices within a research environment where participants are typically analysed but not listened to. In doing so, he will explore cohort members’ rich and complex perspectives on a broad range of ageing-related topics, including: retirement, health, physical activity, and adaptation to decline.
Dr JD Carpentieri is an Associate Professor of Social Science and Policy at UCL, and an Honorary Research Associateat the Centre for Longitudinal Studies. In his research he uses and contributes to the development of a range of British cohort studies in order to investigate issues including health, wellbeing and ageing. In particular, he produces and analysse qualitative material (semi-structured interview data and open-text survey responses) within primarily quantitative panel studies. He has led a number of qualitative and mixed methods studies aimed at improving understanding of cohort members' experiences and perspectives. He is currently a Co-I on an NIHR-funded a six-cohort qualitative longitudinal study of cohort members’