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PhD position available: I have funding for a PhD project in laser driven plasma acceleration. Please contact me for more details or follow the link: PhD project in laser plasma wakefield acceleration (LWFA).

I am currently a lecturer in laser accelerator science in the department of Engineering, University of Liverpool, and I also work at the Cockcroft Institute of Accelerator Science and Technology based at Daresbury. I studied theoretical physics at Imperial College and after completing my PhD in photorefractive materials there I moved to Oxford to carry out research in laser science, including novel diode sources for ultrasensitive spectroscopy and attosecond pulse generation, before moving to the John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science. I was appointed as lecturer at Liverpool in Jan 2018 and my current research interests include the application of lasers to all areas of particle accelerator science, especially novel high gradient techniques.

You can find out more about me and my research in this episode of the Liverpool Scientific podcast here.

My ResearchGate profile is here.

My LinkedIn profile is here.

Prizes or Honours

  • Faculty Learning, Teaching & Student Experience Award winner (Faculty of Science & Engineering, University of Liverpool, 2024)
  • Rutherford Plasma Physics Communication Prize (Institute of Physics Plasma Physics Group, 2021)