Presentation of Sympathetic Cooling at NACTI

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View of Washington Monument and Capitol during NACTI conference excursion to the National Mall in Washington DC.

The development of sympathetic cooling of single particles constitutes a major effort within the BASE collaboration to advance their experiments on protons and antiprotons. Cooler particles will allow the application of new measurement methods and therefore enable more precise tests of the fundamental interactions with protons and antiprotons.

AVA Fellow Markus Wiesinger, member of the BASE collaboration, recently presented his research at the 2nd North American Conference on Trapped Ions (NACTI), which was one of this year's outstanding meetings of the international experts on trapped ion physics. His contribution „Towards Sympathetic Cooling of Single Protons and Antiprotons“ was selected by the Program Committee as a „hot-topic“ and he was given the opportunity to give a talk in addition to a poster presentation.

"The NACTI conference was a great experience and allowed me to learn a lot from amazing talks about trapped ions.“, Markus explained enthusiastically. "It was very motivating to receive a lot of feedback on and recognition of my work within BASE from other trap-experts on the NACTI conference“. Within his AVA project, Markus is developing, as a Member of the BASE-Mainz team, a new double-trap system to couple protons and laser-cooled beryllium ions via image currents to sympathetically cool protons to mK temperatures.