LHCb VELO modules constructed at Liverpool


The Particle Physics group is involved in a number of key experiments around the world.

See more details of our Strategy, or click on the links below for details of specific experiments.

Description Contact                         
Liverpool Contributions

ATLAS Experiment

General purpose detector for hadron-hadron collision physics at LHC / CERN (Switzerland) Prof Monica D'Onofrio

Physics: Search for New Physics, Higgs, Extra Dimensions, Supersymmetry, Standard Model.

Hardware: Forward Silicon Central Tracker

LHCb Experiment

B-physics specialized detector at LHC / CERN (Switzerland) Prof Tara Shears

Physics: Quark Flavour Physics, Rare B decays

Hardware: Vertex Detector (VELO)

Neutrino Physics

Various current and future experiments for neutrino property determination Dr Neil McCauley  
  T2K: a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan 

Physics: Neutrino oscillation physics
Hardware: EM Calorimeter for near detector

  Super Kamiokande: a large underground neutrino detector in Japan

Light injection calibration

  ARIADNE: a LAr time projection chamber  Develop a large scale liquid argon detector
  SNO+: a deep underground neutrino detector in Sudbury (Canada)  Neutrinoless double beta decay
  DUNE: a future long baseline neutrino oscillation project in the USA  Neutrino oscillation physics
LAr time projector prototyping
  HyperK: a future long baseline neutrino oscillation project in Japan  Neutrino oscillation physics


Dark matter search experiment in South Dacota (USA) Dr Sergey Burdin Weakly interacting massive particle search


Rare muon decay experiment at PSI (Switzerland) Prof Joost Vossebeld Physics: Muon physics
Hardware: Silicon tracker module construction and assembly


Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon at Fermilab (USA)

Dr Joseph Price

Physics: Muon physics
Hardware: Design and building tracking detector straw chambers


Leading hadronic contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon

Prof Graziano Venanzoni

Physics: Muon physics

Hardware: Muon Spectrometer


Charged Lepton Flavour Violation searches at Fermilab (USA) Dr Joseph Price

Physics: Muon physics

Hardware: Germanium detector (Stopping target monitor)


Atom Interferometry

Building a pair of ultacold atom interferometers  for fundamental physics research Dr Jon Coleman

Physics: Dark energy and quantum physics with cold atoms

Hardware: Prototype under construction in Liverpool


Development of the next generation of high energy gamma ray observatory Prof Tim Greenshaw

Physics: High energy cosmic rays detection with air showers

Hardware: Camera sensor, slow control electronics and environmental housing.


Research and development for silicon detectors for future experiments (CERN, Switzerland) Prof Gianluigi Casse Design, production and testing of novel Silicon detectors 


Proton computed tomography and dosimetry measurements in iThemba Labs Prof Gianluigi Casse Silicon Tracker

Reactor Monitoring

Measuring the flux of neutrinos from a reactor core (Wylfa Nuclear Power Station, North Wales) Dr Jon Coleman Full project


Demonstrating Li6 covered silicon sensors with gamma suppression Prof Gianluigi Casse Full project at Liverpool


ForwArd Search ExperRiment for light and extremely weakly interacting particles Prof. Monica D'Onofrio Physics analysis