Record of Supervisory Meetings: Information for supervisors

All supervisors of research students must sign off the Record of Supervisory meetings and PGR Portfolio of activity for each of their students as part of the Annual requirements for student progression.

The requirements to record formal supervisory meetings with your research student are set out in Section 5g of the Policy on Research Student SupervisionAppendix 1.2 of the Code of Practice. These records are checked as part of the Annual Progress reporting.

Please see the following sections for further information:

    Requirements for Primary Supervisors within the PGR Toolbox

    As a Primary supervisor you have a responsibility to ensure that a formal record of supervisory meetings is made in the University’s PGR Toolbox, and that this record is kept up to date.

    The process is driven by your PGR student, who will create the meeting record in Liverpool Life following the steps below. At each stage the  information is sent to you by email.

    • They first set up the meeting date with a named supervisor, or with the whole supervisory team, for which you will receive an email and the date may be added to your Outlook calendar.
    • They must also set up an agenda, which is sent by email.
    • Optionally, they may create a Post-meeting record any important decisions taken during the meeting.

    You will need to use the staff system, Tulip, to sign off these records throughout the year. You are able to sign-off the record once your PGR has completed the Agenda, but please do not sign off the record until the Post-meeting record  is received if you or your PGR student intends to use that facility.
    All meetings should be completed by the 31st May each year.

    Your signing off the record will indicate your agreement with the meeting record. There is space to add comments to report on your student's progress. The automatic emails sent to you contain instructions for how to access the record in Tulip.

    See below for further help and advice

    You also delegate some of the responsibilities for the Record of Supervisory meetings to secondary (and other supervisors) to manage and sign-off formal meetings in cases where this is a shared part of the supervision process. To arrange this facility, you will need to change the option within Tulip:

    How to permit second supervisors to sign-off supervisory meetings

    Access Permissions for Second Supervisors within the PGR Toolbox

    General access: By default all secondary, third etc, supervisors can use Tulip to view the formal meeting records for the supervisory team created within the PGR Toolbox.

    For access to these records, see the following section, 'Viewing a meeting record in Tulip".

    Emails: Secondary supervisors should also receive the automatic emails relating to meetings with the primary supervisor. 

    Team meetings: Where PGR students arrange formal meetings in the PGR Toolbox with the ‘whole supervisory team’, the second (and other supervisor) will receive all related emails including the notification of the meeting date.

    Sign-off: The Secondary (thrid etc)  supervisor can have individual meeting records with PGR students, and can sign off-those meetings, but only where the primary supervisor has agreed, and has indicated this agreement in Tulip,

    For further information, see the instructions for primary supervisors above.

    Note: If your email address is incorrect in the staff database, the PGR Toolbox will not be able to send out the emails correctly. You are recommended to consult the administration in your school/Institute on how to correct details in the staff database.

    Viewing a meeting record in Tulip

    Log into Tulip using your normal UoL username and password

    • (Home menu) select the first panel: Teaching,

    • Then under Students side, go to the second section,  'Manage students'  and select the first option  'Banner Tutor/Supervisor Enquiries',

    • Select All students or Postgraduates,

    • Select "Supervisory Meetings" for your chosen student,

    • Select "View Meeting Details" for the selected meeting


    • If you have Technical Queries please contact the CSD Service Desk

    • For any enquiries on how to use the Record of Supervisory Meetings, please contact
      PGR Development Online Enquiries (email:

    • If you have queries in relation to how this record is used in the Annual Progress Reports, please contact the PGR Student Team at