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Joanne Meehan

Professor Joanne Meehan


Prior to joining academia, Jo had a long career with ICI working in numerous purchasing and commercial roles. Jo’s current research centres on modern slavery, sustainable supply chains, corporate power, and social value. She is a regular public speaker in the procurement field committed to challenging business responsibilities and delivering impactful research. Jo is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (JPSM) and champions the journal’s ’business-not-as-usual’ research.

Jo is the Director of the Centre for Sustainable Business

Prizes or Honours

  • Commended - UoL Staff Awards (University of Liverpool, 2023)
  • Runner up 'Best sustainability paper" for the paper "Modern slavery in logistics supply chains: An Attention-Based View" (IPSERA, 2023)
  • Commended - UoL Staff Awards (University of Liverpool, 2020)
  • Highly Commended - Staff Awards. (University of Liverpool, 2020)
  • Certificate of Teaching Excellence (University of Liverpool Management School, 2019)
  • Winner of the 'Best research paper with managerial Implications' award for the paper "Modern slavery in asymmetric supply chains: Power plays through strategic ambiguity" (IPSERA, 2019)
  • Winner of best healthcare paper award, for paper: Menzies, L, Meehan J, and Harris, N (2018), Let and forget: a dilemmas perspective on contract governance in healthcare procurement (IPSERA, 2018)
  • Winner of best published paper in Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management in 2016, for paper: Pinnington, Meehan, and Scanlon (2016) A grounded theory of value dissonance in strategic relationships, JPSM, 22(4), 278-288 (JPSM, 2017)
  • Winner of best healthcare paper award, for paper: 43. Meehan, J., Menzies, L, and Michaelides, R. (2016), Aggregation versus value-based procurement in public healthcare procurement (IPSERA , 2016)