Photo of Dr Sarah Singh

Dr Sarah Singh

Lecturer Law


    Research Overview

    My research centres around two areas of feminist scholarship

    1. Feminist responses to criminal law.
    - To date my research has sought to generate new perspectives on legal approaches to women who fail to protect their children from harm. I draw upon feminist theory (primarily vulnerability and care scholarship) and utilise empirical research methods to explore the criminalisation of women who have themselves been subject to abuse.
    - I am also working on a project which evaluates the partial defence of loss of control alongside colleagues Professor Anna Carline, Dr Matthew Gibson and Dr Laurene Soubise (University of Leeds)

    2. Socio-legal responses to animals
    - I am currently working alongside co-investigator Professor Marie Fox as well as Battersea, the Kennel Club and A-Law to interrogate the different regulatory models animal rescues are subject across the devolved administrations of the UK.

    The gendered nature of criminal law and court room discourse- specifically looking at socio-legal responses to 'subversive' motherhood.

    Legal responses to non human animals

    Research Group Membership