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Group members

All things are relative. On a scale of months to years our group consists of more or less permanent staff members, PhD students, Research Associates, and Visitors.  


Group 2001                     2003, spring                2003, summer, new labs

At the moment the group consists of:


email address


Stan van den Berg


Head of the group

Oyvind Mikkelsen mikkels@liv.ac.uk Ironages project, 2003, 2 months
Gabriel Billon G.Billon@liverpool.ac.uk Marie Curie Fellow
Anja Plöger a.ploger@liv.ac.uk PhD student, EMERGE
Conrad Chapman chapmanc@liv.ac.uk PhD student, CORILA/EMERGE
Briac Le Vu briacle@liverpool.ac.uk visiting PhD student/IRONAGES

Carmel Murphy


Technician (metal analyses, voltammetry)

Val Hughes


Oceanography Secretary


The following persons have recently departed:


Current email address

Activity in Liverpool

Doug Mackie dmackie@alkali.otago.ac.nz EU project PostDoc 2000-03
Luis Laglera Luis.Laglera@cabe.unige.ch EU project PostDoc 2000-03
Jochen Nüster jnuester@mpi-bremen.de Marie Curie Fellow, 2002-03
Hajime Obata obata@ori.u-tokyo.ac.jp Senior University Fellow, Fe, FIA; 2000-02
Marta Carboniero marta2604@hotmail.com Visiting scientist 5 months 00-01: solid electrodes
Zhuo Cai Visitor from China, Sept 1999-2000

Jose Jurado


Visitor from Cadiz: Cu speciation; 99/00

Michael Ellwood


Research Associate, Co, Zn, speciation; MERLIM


Marie Boye


PhD student, Fe complexation, MERLIM


Annette Aldrich


PhD student, Fe-redox (EU-fellow)


Fernanda Leal


PhD student (Ehux, Cu speciation)


Britta Lange


Research Associate, Pb, Cd, Se, flow-analysis; MOLAR


Hansi Nirmaier


Research Associate, MERLIM, FIA, Fe

Eric Fischer


Research Associate, PRIME, Pb

Redwan Al-Farawati


PhD student, sulfide speciation

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