Non-invasive Intensity Measurements of Low Energy Beams Demonstrated for the First Time

A precise measurement of absolute beam intensity is essential for many experiments. It is a key parameter to monitor losses in a beam and to calibrate the absolute number of particles delivered to the experiments. However, this type of measurement is very challenging with traditional beam current diagnostics when it comes to low energy, low intensity beams due to the very low signal levels. We have now experimentally demonstrated a new type of monitor in a collaboration with CERN, the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research and Friedrich Schiller University and Helmholtz Institute Jena.
In a paper just published in the IOP “Superconducting Science and Thechnology”journal, experts from our Accelerator Physics group report the specific challenges of implementation and first beam measurements at CERN. These are the first-ever measurements of this type performed in a synchrotron using both coasting and short bunched beams.
Further information: M. Fernandes, et al., Non-perturbative measurement of low-intensity charged particle beams, Superconductor Science and Technology, Volume 30, Number 1 (2016).