XMaS Newsletter published

The annual newsletter of the XMaS beamline has now been published and the online version of the newsletter can be found here.
The articles in the newsletter reflect the broad range of science conducted on the beamline ranging from probing magnetic properties, over molecular arrangement and interfacial studies employing a range of structural and spectroscopic techniques from X-ray diffraction to small angle X-ray scattering and X-ray spectroscopy.
The XMaS beamline is an EPSRC National Research Facility based at the ESRF. The facility is jointly run by the University of Warwick and the University of Liverpool.
The next deadline for proposal submission is the 1st April 2023.
Further information, please contact one of the Liverpool directors of the project:
- Prof. Chris Lucas (clucas@liv.ac.uk) or
- Dr Yvonne Gründer (Yvonne.grunder@liv.ac.uk).