Professional Activities
- International Journal of Entrepreneurial behaviour and Research (Editorial Board Member, 2010 - present)
- International Journal of Management Reviews (Co-Editor, 2010 - present)
- R&D Management (Editorial Advisory Board, 2007 - present)
- International Journal of Entrepreneurial behaviour and Research (Editor-in-Chief, 2005 - 2010)
Examination Roles
- Birmingham City University, MSc (PGT, 2009)
- University of Manchester, BSc (UG, 2006)
- University of Sussex, MSc (PGT, 2003)
- University of Salford, BSc (UG, 2002)
- University of East London, BA (UG, 2000)
Organisations I have been associated with
- Northern Leadership Academy (2009 - present)
Professional Body Memberships
- Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (Council Member, 2010 - present)
- British Academy of Management (Council Member , 2007 - present)
- Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (Board Member, 2006 - 2009)