Outreach, outreach, outreach...

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oPAC Fellows have been very busy lately with outreach activities.

In the last few months Manuel Cargnelutti and Martina Sofranac have succeed in their task of bringing science closer to school students. The students and teachers from Italy, Slovenia and Montenegro and oPAC Fellows Manuel and Martina enjoyed their visits to local schools.
Manuel's presentation can be seen under this link.

Charlotte Roose has participated in “The observation” teenager’s camps organized by “Jeunesse et Science asbl”. Her presentation started with some generalities such as the Lorentz force, the atom structure and the electron-volt. The second part was about the evolution of the accelerator design, their utilization and the challenge of this technology. And the final part presented the colliders, CERN and ended with the BEH boson.

During the 24 hour QUASARthon held towards the end of last year three videos were produced by QUASAR researchers to explain the scientific principles underpinning their research projects in accelerator science. oPAC Fellow Miguel Fernandes was ably assisted by Adam Jeff and Benoit Bolzon at CERN to make a short video explaining his cryogenic current comparator project carried out within the oPAC network. Also working within oPAC; Sehar Naveed was helped by Rita Galan and Blaine Lomberg from the University of Liverpool to produce a video on the mutlilevel fast multipole method 

But this is just the beginning; many other activities are yet to come!