oPAC at IBIC13

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oPAC has been present at the second International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC) hosted by Diamond Light Source in Oxford from Monday 16th to Thursday 19th September 2013.

IBIC’s programme of talks, tutorials, poster sessions and discussion groups has been designed to explore the physics and engineering developments and challenges of beam diagnostics and instrumentation for charged particle accelerators worldwide.

9 oPAC fellows participated in the conference and poster sessions. Additional highlights were the talks from oPAC fellows Laura Torino “Charge Distribution Measurements at ALBA” and Konstantin Kruchinin “Extremely Low Emittance Beam Size Diagnostics with Sub-Micrometer” which have raised the attention of the public.

Laura Torino's participation was supported by one out of only five IBIC13 scholarships.

An industrial stand run by the EU Project T.E.A.M. has also been promoting oPAC along with LA³NET and DITANET, other two European ITN projects coordinated by the University of Liverpool from the Cockcroft Institute.

Main goals achieved by the EU Project TEAM were assisting in dissemination and attracting delegates to the oPAC stand at IBIC, publicising opportunities for organisations to join the network as adjunct partners and introducing activities opened for external participation such as the project schools and awards.

Thanks to oPAC fellows and partners, to the EU Project T.E.A.M. and Professor Carsten Welsch, oPAC project is recognised on the international stage for particle accelerators.