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Greg Fetzer (he/him) is a Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the Work, Organisations, and Management group at the University of Liverpool Management School. He obtained his Masters and PhD in Organization Studies from Boston College in the US, as well as an undergraduate degree in Psychology from Brigham Young University.

Greg's expertise focuses on two primary areas:
1) What makes work worthwhile? Greg is currently studying luthiers and bespoke shoemakers to explore how the pursuit of excellence provides meaning, as well as how professional athletes build meaningful relationships in a context of intense uncertainty and competition. His research sheds new light on the social and culture factors which give our work purpose and significance.
2) How do individuals and groups manage the creative process, particularly as it unfolds over time? He examines how R&D scientists decide to persist or abandon their ideas and how designers carve their own career path after working with a famous mentor. These projects provide insights into how individuals and organizations can sustain creativity through the rollercoaster ride of the idea journey.

As a qualitative field researcher, Greg takes an experiential, process approach to investigate these questions, delving into the lived world of his research participants. Greg has a keen interest in a variety of qualitative methodologies, including grounded theorizing, ethnography, and the use of video data. His research has been presented at a variety of international conferences and workshops.

Outside of work Greg enjoys filling his house with the smell of baked goods, watching movies, and spending time with his wife and two daughters.