Photo of Dr Richard Gregory

Dr Richard Gregory Ph.D.

Senior Research Associate Liverpool Shared Research Facilities


Personal Statement

- Working as cluster manager for the Centre for Genomic Research, which covers the planning, set-up and nuts and bolts of a sprawling cluster targeted at genomics analysis for our core team but also used for many other tasks by many other people.

- Have covered many languages in the past but have settled on bash, gawk and C, to span the range of fast develop to fast to run. Originally it was C and Arizona Microchip assembly for embedded hardware.

- Have been using and applying Linux since 2000, taking it apart, and making it work in the way which is required for the task at hand.

- Interested in applying algorithms to real world data, image and sound analysis, machine learning, data acquisition and interfacing. Also spend some time doing electronics, even if nowadays most tasks are best done in software.

- Have contributed code to NUT (UPS tools, and smartmontools (HD health tool,, debugged and written Linux kernel modules, and written sshdfilter (ssh IDS,, which continues to be relevant and best of its class even today.