Module Details |
The information contained in this module specification was correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change, either during the session because of unforeseen circumstances, or following review of the module at the end of the session. Queries about the module should be directed to the member of staff with responsibility for the module. |
Title | Nuclear Power | ||
Code | PHYS376 | ||
Coordinator |
Professor J Coleman Physics |
Year | CATS Level | Semester | CATS Value |
Session 2024-25 | Level 6 FHEQ | Second Semester | 7.5 |
Aims |
To develop an ability which allows educated and well informed opinions to be formed by the next generation of physicists on a wide range of issues in the context of the future energy needs of man. To describe and understand methods of utilising renewable energy sources such as hydropower, tidal power, wave power, wind power and solar power. To give knowledge and understanding of the design and operation of nuclear reactors To give knowledge and understanding of nuclear fusion as a source of power To give knowledge and understanding relevant to overall safety in the nuclear power industry To describe the origin of environmental radioactivity and understand the effects of radiation on humans |
Learning Outcomes |
(LO1) Learned the fundamental physical principles underlying nuclear fission and fusion reactors |
(LO2) Studied the applications of these principles in the design issues power generation |
(LO3) An appreciation of the role of mathematics in modelling power generation |
(LO4) Learned the fundamental physical principles concerning the origin and consequences of environmental radioactivity |
(LO5) Developed an awareness of the safety issues involved in exposure to radiation |
(LO6) Developed problem solving skills based on the material presented |
(LO7) Developed an appreciation of the problems of supplying the required future energy needs and the scope and issues associated with the different possible methods |
Syllabus |
Basics of Nuclear Physics (3 Lectures) Nuclear binding energy, nuclear reactions, cross sections. Interaction probability. Attenuation, mean free path. Radioactive decay (various forms), decay chains, secular equilibrium. Stability curve, neutrons and their interactions, fission - energy release, mass distribution, neutron emission. Principles of Nuclear Fission Reactors (3 Lectures) Chain reactions, reproduction constant, moderation, thermal reactors. Kinematics of moderators, neutron cycle in infinite reactors, energy production, consumption of 235U. Fast reactors, breeder reactors, breeder cycle. Reactor Theory (3 Lectures) Neutron diffusion theory and the diffusion equation. The reactor equation. Buckling parameter. Boundary conditions and solutions of the reactor equation. Migration length. Improvements to the model. Boundary extrapolation. Reactor Operations (2 Lectures) Real reactors - layout, thermodynamics, Magnox, AGR, PWR and accelerator driven fission. Operating characte ristics, delayed neutrons, control systems, reactor kinematics and reactor poisons. Energy from Fusion (3 Lectures) Advantages over fission, thermonuclear approach, amplification factor, conditions for fusion. Energy production in a plasma, energy losses, break even temperature, Lawson condition. Magnetic confinement, tokomak, pinch effect, heating of plasma, present status and outlook. Radiation Issues (2 Lectures) Interaction of radiation with matter, units, biological effects, radiation weighting factors. Effects on humans, calculation of doses, monitoring radiation. radiation protection. Shielding nuclear reactors. Reactor accidents. Radioactive fission products and their effects. Sources of environmental radiation - decay chains of uranium and thorium - Radon - 40K - cosmic rays. Recommended limits above the natural level |
Teaching and Learning Strategies |
Teaching Method 1 - Lecture |
Teaching Schedule |
Lectures | Seminars | Tutorials | Lab Practicals | Fieldwork Placement | Other | TOTAL | |
Study Hours |
16 |
2 |
18 | ||||
Timetable (if known) | |||||||
Private Study | 57 | ||||||
Assessment |
EXAM | Duration | Timing (Semester) |
% of final mark |
Resit/resubmission opportunity |
Penalty for late submission |
Notes |
time-controlled in person Exam This is an anonymous assessment. Assessment Schedule (When) :2 | 2 | 100 | ||||
CONTINUOUS | Duration | Timing (Semester) |
% of final mark |
Resit/resubmission opportunity |
Penalty for late submission |
Notes |
Recommended Texts |
Reading lists are managed at Click here to access the reading lists for this module. |