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Module Details

The information contained in this module specification was correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change, either during the session because of unforeseen circumstances, or following review of the module at the end of the session. Queries about the module should be directed to the member of staff with responsibility for the module.
Title Music Performance Pedagogy 1
Code MUMA631
Coordinator Dr RK Minton
Year CATS Level Semester CATS Value
Session 2024-25 Level 7 FHEQ Second Semester 20


To gain a theoretical overview of pedagogical practices, developing skills which can be applied to individual and group lessons. A foundation knowledge of different pedagogical approaches (e.g., Kodaly, Dalcroze etc) will equip students with knowledge of appropriate teaching styles and methods for 1–1 and group contexts. The module will broaden the students’ experience beyond their own cultural and personal boundaries by developing professional perspectives and flexibility in teaching.

Learning Outcomes

(LO1) To have acquired the ability to analyse, describe and evaluate specific music instrumental/voice teaching techniques in written form.

(LO2) To have acquired the ability to debate effectively on issues of teaching and learning strategies developing both independence of thought and collaborative approaches where appropriate

(LO3) To understand writing a scheme of work/devising a course and to plan individual lessons and consider resources.

(LO4) To have a foundation knowledge of pedagogical approaches and be able to produce appropriate resources for lessons.

(LO5) To have developed the capacity to draw on personal experience to inform sound pedagogical thought

(S1) Communication. Listening and questioning, respecting others, contributing to discussions, communicating in a foreign language, influencing, presentations

(S2) Positive attitude/self-confidence. A 'can-do' approach, a readiness to take part and contribute, openness to new ideas and the drive to make these happen

(S3) Self-management. Readiness to accept responsibility, flexibility, resilience, self-starting, initiative, integrity, willingness to take risks, appropriate assertiveness, time management, readiness to improve based on feedback/reflective learning

(S4) Proficiency in Pedagogical Techniques



The module content will focus on a theoretical overview of pedagogical practices. This will include:
• Kodaly
• Dalcroze
• Alexander Technique
• Teaching and learning styles
• Consideration of differentiation in group settings
• Devising schemes of work
• Lesson planning and preparation
• Understanding assessment and feedback in teaching
• Motivating your pupils
• Integrating musicianship skills

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Teaching Method: Lecture
Attendance Recorded: Yes
Notes: Students receive 1hour lecture in Weeks 1–9 to introduce theories of teaching. This will be supported by 1-1 tutorials Weeks 4 and 6 in preparation for assessment 1, and 1-1 tutorials in Week 9 for assessment 2 (1.5 hours in total per student).
Self-directed Learning: The remaining 189.5 hours of self-directed learning is for 1-1 tutorials, observations of workshops, lessons, RLP activities, and teaching practice. This also includes wider reading, developing own teaching practice, developing writing skills.

Teaching Schedule

  Lectures Seminars Tutorials Lab Practicals Fieldwork Placement Other TOTAL
Study Hours 9


Timetable (if known)              
Private Study 189.5


EXAM Duration Timing
% of
Penalty for late
CONTINUOUS Duration Timing
% of
Penalty for late
Assessment ID: Assessment 2 Assessment Description: Teaching material portfolio to include a scheme of work, lesson plans and rationale. Reassessment Opportunity: Yes Penalty for Late Submission:     60       
Assessment ID: Assessment 1 Assessment Description: Essay Reassessment Opportunity: Yes Penalty for Late Submission: Standard UoL penalty applies Anonymous Assessment: Yes    40       

Recommended Texts

Reading lists are managed at Click here to access the reading lists for this module.