Law School Module Details

The information contained in this module specification was correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change, either during the session because of unforeseen circumstances, or following review of the module at the end of the session. Queries about the module should be directed to the member of staff with responsibility for the module.
Code LAW212
Coordinator Mrs J Mooney
Year CATS Level Semester CATS Value
Session 2015-16 Level 5 FHEQ First Semester 15


  • To promote the key characteristics of the “Liverpool Law Graduate” - a student who is distinctively engaged, empowered and employable - particularly a critical awareness of the role of law in facilitating and hindering social change;

  • To engage students directly with the research activities of staff within the Liverpool Law School by exploring live issues and methods;

  • To promote the development of key legal and transferable skills, particularly as regards research, critical thinking and team work;

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  • To provide students with an introduction to some of the key optional choices available in their final year of study on the law degree. 

  • Learning Outcomes

    To demonstrate a critical awareness and understanding of the role of law in promoting (or inhibiting) values such as justice, fairness, equality, citizenship, inclusion and social responsibility; and of how such values are themselves constructed and critiqued;


    To work effectively as part of a project team to deliver a research-based presentation;

    To demonstrate awareness of the nature of academic legal research, particularly from among the main fields of research undertaken within the Law School.


    This module explores the role of law in promoting (or inhibiting) values such as justice, fairness, equality, citizenship, inclusion and social responsibility – as well as considering how such values are themselves constructed and critiqued. 

    Students will explore those issues through a choice of research-based case-studies, the precise details of which will vary from year to year.  However, all case-studies will address the module’s core themes – such as access to justice; the protection of vulnerable interests; citizenship, rights and responsibilities; and civil action, dialogue and participation.  Those core themes may be understood in their domestic, European and / or international contexts.

    Pathways will be based around staff-led research interests: staff lectures on the relevant topic will be followed by group-based project work, to culminate in presentation of the project findings to the pa thway cohort, as well as submission of an individual report reflecting upon the themes of the module.  A maximum of 50 students may register for each research pathway, with places allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. 

    Teaching and Learning Strategies

    Lecture -

    The first four lectures will introduce all students to the aims of the module, and themes of Law and Social Justice. A pathway choice lecture will provide students with an opportunity to hear about the range of pathways on offer in that year, and select the one which they will follow for the remainder of the module. Six hours of lectures within each pathway will provide students with an overview of that specific area, and introduce the group task which is to be carried out. A final two-hour lecture for all students will offer feedback, invite reflection on the overarching themes of the module, and provide guidance about how to complete final individual reports.

    Seminar -

    Two 90 minute seminars will be held on each pathway - pathway leaders will use these sessions to structure and monitor the completion of group work. In particular, the sessions will be used to provide each group with guidance about how to complete their research project, in addition to offering feedback on progress while the work is ongoing.

    Other -

    Each pathway will hold a two-hour presentation event in week 11. Each group will deliver a presentation on the results of their research project to the other pathway students and the pathway leader, and take questions on their findings.

    Teaching Schedule

      Lectures Seminars Tutorials Lab Practicals Fieldwork Placement Other TOTAL
    Study Hours 13



    Timetable (if known) The first four lectures will introduce all students to the aims of the module, and themes of Law and Social Justice. A pathway choice lecture will provide students with an opportunity to hear about t
    Two 90 minute seminars will be held on each pathway - pathway leaders will use these sessions to structure and monitor the completion of group work. In particular, the sessions will be used to provid
          Each pathway will hold a two-hour presentation event in week 11. Each group will deliver a presentation on the results of their research project to the other pathway students and the pathway leader,
    Private Study 132


    EXAM Duration Timing
    % of
    Penalty for late
    CONTINUOUS Duration Timing
    % of
    Penalty for late
    Coursework  15-20 minute group p  Semester 1  30  Yes  Non-standard penalty applies  Assessment 1 Non-standard penalty applies for late submission,  
    Coursework  2,500 words  Semester 1  70  Yes  Standard UoL penalty applies  Assessment 2 Notes (applying to all assessments) There will be two elements to the summative assessment in Law and Social Justice: - Group presentation – 30% of final mark - Individual report (maximum 2,500 words in length) – 70% of final mark The group presentation will be delivered in week 11 of the semester. Each group will present the results of its research project to all pathway students and the pathway leader, and take questions on their findings. Groups will be expected to produce a powerpoint presentation and/or a written summary of their research, as required by their pathway leader. Each member of a group will be awarded the same mark for the presentation, unless a claim of non-contribution is made in relation to one or more of its members. In such circumstances, the pathway leader will investigate, and where no/limited contribution is established, determine, in conjunction with the module coordinator, how marks are to be reduced in accordance with the module policy on group work. The individual report is to be submitted in week 13 of the semester. Each pathway leader will set a specific question for the students registered on that pathway to answer. The individual reports will require students to reflect on the common themes of Law and Social Justice in the context of the particular issues or concerns considered on their specific research pathway. Further guidance as to how this should be done will be provided in the final lecture of the module in week 12. NB: If a student is required to resit the module, or repeat without attendance, the assessment will take the form of an individual report (max. 3,500 words) accounting for 100% of the module mark. 

    Recommended Texts

    Reading lists are managed at Click here to access the reading lists for this module.
    Explanation of Reading List:

    Other Staff Teaching on this Module

    Prof PM Dougan Law
    Dr M Farrell Law
    Prof HE Stalford Law
    Dr SJ Currie Law
    Dr PG McAuliffe Law
    Dr JA Sigafoos Law
    Prof D Whyte Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology

    Modules for which this module is a pre-requisite:


    Pre-requisites before taking this module (other modules and/or general educational/academic requirements):

    Successful completion of Level 1 of the relevant programme 

    Co-requisite modules:


    Programme(s) (including Year of Study) to which this module is available on a required basis:


    Programme(s) (including Year of Study) to which this module is available on an optional basis:

    Programme:L000 Year:2 Programme:M105 Year:4 Programme:M106 Year:4 Programme:MZ04 Year:4 Programme:M108 Year:4

    Additional Programme Information