Module Details |
The information contained in this module specification was correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change, either during the session because of unforeseen circumstances, or following review of the module at the end of the session. Queries about the module should be directed to the member of staff with responsibility for the module. |
Code | CHEM280 | ||
Coordinator |
Dr GR Darling Chemistry |
Year | CATS Level | Semester | CATS Value |
Session 2016-17 | Level 5 FHEQ | Whole Session | 15 |
Pre-requisites before taking this module (or general academic requirements): |
Completion of Year 1 of an MChem or BSc(Hons) Chemistry programme |
Aims |
To further develop the quantitative skills of a student, through more advanced skills in the application of mathematics, physics and information technology applicable to the second year of an undergraduate degree in chemistry. (60% of module) To further broaden a student''s perspective on chemistry and to develop general transferable skills in studying, accessing information, oral and written communication, presentation, team working and employability. (40% of module). |
Learning Outcomes |
The overarching learning outcome is that students will gain the necessary key skills to perform well in their chemistry degree programmes. |
Quantitative key skills:
By the end of the module a successful student will have improved their ability to:
General key skills:
By the end of this module, a successful student will have gained:
Teaching and Learning Strategies |
Lecture - General Key Skills Lectures |
Tutorial - General Key Skills Tutorials |
Workshop - Problem lecture/workshops (quantitative skills) |
Assessment - Quantitative Key Skills Class Test |
Syllabus |
1 |
Quantitative Key Skills This section of the module will be the responsibility of Dr George Darling who will ensure that activities build on the quantitative skills developed in Year 1. These skills will include:
General Key Skills
This section of the module will be the responsibility of Dr Susan Barlow who will arrange the lectures and tutorial sessions in conjunction with Year 2 tutorial teaching staff and research-active staff as appropriate. The planned activities will enable the Chemistry Department to integrate key skills provision with personal development planning as well as providing an opportunity to demonstrate to students the range of research undertaken. Lecture Presentations The lecture presentations will involve topics such as:
Tutorials Students will be expected to complete six main assessed tasks as part of their tutorials .
Further tasks to be covered in tutorials will include a short exercise to demonstrate forms of plagiarism, and use of the Year 2 PDP exercise to encourage students to reflect on their key skills training in connection with future career prospects.
Recommended Texts |
Reading lists are managed at Click here to access the reading lists for this module. Explanation of Reading List: |
Teaching Schedule |
Lectures | Seminars | Tutorials | Lab Practicals | Fieldwork Placement | Other | TOTAL | |
Study Hours |
8 |
6 |
33 2 |
49 | |||
Timetable (if known) |
General Key Skills Lectures
General Key Skills Tutorials
Problem lecture/workshops (quantitative skills)
Quantitative Key Skills Class Test |
Private Study | 101 | ||||||
Assessment |
EXAM | Duration | Timing (Semester) |
% of final mark |
Resit/resubmission opportunity |
Penalty for late submission |
Notes |
CONTINUOUS | Duration | Timing (Semester) |
% of final mark |
Resit/resubmission opportunity |
Penalty for late submission |
Notes |
Coursework | 11 x 3 hour Quantita | Semester 1 & 2 | 50 | Yes | Standard UoL penalty applies | Assessment 1 |
Coursework | 2 hour Quantitative | week 6 Semester 2 | 10 | Yes | Standard UoL penalty applies | Assessment 2 |
Coursework | 5x1 hour General Key | Semester 1 & 2 | 30 | Yes | Standard UoL penalty applies | Assessment 3 |
Coursework | 1500 word General Ke | week 9 Semester 2 | 10 | Yes | Standard UoL penalty applies | Assessment 4 Notes (applying to all assessments) Quantitative Key Skills (QKS) Workshops: problem based assessments to be completed by end of each workshop with demonstrator assistance. Marked by demonstrators and moderated by staff member in charge of QKS section of module. Quantitative Key Skills Class Test: problem based assessments to be completed with no assistance. Marked by demonstrators and moderated by staff member in charge of QKS section of module. General Key Skills (GKS) tutorials, exercises and lecture reviews: Written tutorial exercises submitted via Vital and assessed by the tutor. Oral tutorial presentations assessed by the tutor during the tutorial. Lecture review tasks submitted via Vital and marked by Module leader. General Key Skills Final Essay: Essays submitted via Vital assessed by the tutor. Feedback is provided before the end of Semester 2 in person and via Vital. All GKS marks moderated by staff member in charge of this section of module. Students who fail this module will be given the opportunity to resubmit missing or failed exercises during the summer. Note that PowerPoint slides associated with failed presentations can be resubmitted for marking but it will not be possible to gain any marks associated with the oral part of the presentations. The nature of this module is such that work cannot be marked anonymously as marking is either done within the timetabled sessions in front of students or via Vital. |