ULMS Electronic Module Catalogue |
The information contained in this module specification was correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change, either during the session because of unforeseen circumstances, or following review of the module at the end of the session. Queries about the module should be directed to the member of staff with responsibility for the module. |
Code | ULMS861 | ||
Coordinator |
Professor IG McHale Marketing (ULMS) Ian.Mchale@liverpool.ac.uk |
Year | CATS Level | Semester | CATS Value |
Session 2023-24 | Level 7 FHEQ | Second Semester | 15 |
Pre-requisites before taking this module (other modules and/or general educational/academic requirements): |
Modules for which this module is a pre-requisite: |
Programme(s) (including Year of Study) to which this module is available on a required basis: |
Programme(s) (including Year of Study) to which this module is available on an optional basis: |
Teaching Schedule |
Lectures | Seminars | Tutorials | Lab Practicals | Fieldwork Placement | Other | TOTAL | |
Study Hours |
10 |
10 |
5 |
25 | |||
Timetable (if known) | |||||||
Private Study | 125 | ||||||
Assessment |
EXAM | Duration | Timing (Semester) |
% of final mark |
Resit/resubmission opportunity |
Penalty for late submission |
Notes |
CONTINUOUS | Duration | Timing (Semester) |
% of final mark |
Resit/resubmission opportunity |
Penalty for late submission |
Notes |
Aims |
The module aims to: Provide students with basic analytical tools to understand economic problems using sports economics as a laboratory; Explore the causes and consequences of a managerial change on ‘sports performance’ (business and athletic); Enable students to accurately predict the demand for sport as required in management practice; Inspire students to think critically and draw on concepts derived from the economics of crime, using information from sports economics, to develop more ethically reflexive management practice. |
Learning Outcomes |
(LO1) Be able to interrogate and critically evaluate key contemporary issues regarding sports business and associated industries based on economic data and analysis; |
(LO2) Be able to critique sports business practice, and make justified recommendations based on data analytics; |
(LO3) Be able to critically analyse, and synthesise a range of (possible conflicting) ideas derived from sports economics through formal and informal written and verbal communication mediums; |
(LO4) Be able to use secondary data and economic principles to suggest, and justify alternative courses of sports business practice; |
(LO5) Be able to use economics and data analytics to inform and develop practices in other areas of sports business such as marketing, sponsorship, and the use of social media. |
(S1) Quantitative/ statistical analysis and interpretation of economic data. There will be a couple of lectures explicitly devoted to this skill. Students will need to apply these skills to understand parts of the remaining lectures. |
(S2) Research skills (secondary data collection and synthesis). Developed during discussion sessions. |
(S3) Academic writing. Developed during lectures and discussion sessions. |
(S4) Problem solving skills. Developed during lectures and discussion sessions. |
(S5) Commercial awareness. Developed during lectures and discussion sessions. |
Teaching and Learning Strategies |
2 hour lecture x 5 weeks |
Syllabus |
Sports Analytics: Sports Economics: |
Recommended Texts |
Reading lists are managed at readinglists.liverpool.ac.uk. Click here to access the reading lists for this module. |