ULMS Electronic Module Catalogue

The information contained in this module specification was correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change, either during the session because of unforeseen circumstances, or following review of the module at the end of the session. Queries about the module should be directed to the member of staff with responsibility for the module.
Title Marketing Ethics, Sustainability & CSR
Code MKIB270
Coordinator Dr KE Kerrane
Marketing (ULMS)
Year CATS Level Semester CATS Value
Session 2022-23 Level 5 FHEQ Second Semester 15

Pre-requisites before taking this module (other modules and/or general educational/academic requirements):


Modules for which this module is a pre-requisite:


Programme(s) (including Year of Study) to which this module is available on a required basis:


Programme(s) (including Year of Study) to which this module is available on an optional basis:


Teaching Schedule

  Lectures Seminars Tutorials Lab Practicals Fieldwork Placement Other TOTAL
Study Hours 24


Timetable (if known) 120 mins X 1 totaling 24
60 mins X 1 totaling 6
Private Study 120


EXAM Duration Timing
% of
Penalty for late
Assessment 2: Open-book Examination Assessment Type: Written Exam, Open Book, Managed by SAS Duration: 2 hours Weighting: 60% Reassessment Opportunity: Yes Penalty for Late Submission: Standard     60       
CONTINUOUS Duration Timing
% of
Penalty for late
Assessment 1 Group Poster Presentation Assessment Type: Poster presentation Duration / Size: 1 page poster and 15 minute presentation Weighting: 40 % Reassessment Opportunity: Yes Penalty for La    40       


The module aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to understand ethical concerns in relation to marketing, sustainability, and corporate social responsibility. The module will make students familiar with a range of recurrent issues arising at the interface between ethical marketing, CSR and sustainability. To prepare students to become responsible marketers and citizens, the module seeks to improve students’ skills in identifying and analysing ethical and sustainability-related issues that marketing professionals face. The module contributes to society by enabling students to reflect on how their actions, as well as wider marketing activities, have social, cultural, environmental and economic impacts. Students will develop critical thinking skills which enable them to act in a sustainable, responsible manner, as global citizens and marketing practitioners.

Learning Outcomes

(LO1) Students will be able to identify and discuss the ethical, CSR and sustainability implications of contemporary marketing practices and trends within a global context.

(LO2) Students will be able to analyse the role of ethics and sustainability in consumption practices, and understand issues associated with marginalised and vulnerable consumers, consumer empowerment and wellbeing.

(LO3) Students will understand a range of theories and tools relating to marketing ethics, CSR and sustainability.

(LO4) Students will be able to consider the ethical responsibilities of a marketing practitioner.

(LO5) Students will be able to analyse an organisation’s marketing activities in relation to ethical marketing and sustainability.

(S1) Ethically Aware

(S2) Internationally Aware

(S3) An Excellent Communicator

(S4) A Team Player

(S5) Organised and able to work under pressure

Teaching and Learning Strategies

The module will be delivered through weekly lectures covering key concepts, theories and case examples. These will be supported by 6 seminars, in which students will analyse case studies, engage in collaborative tasks and discussions relating to key marketing, ethical and CSR issues, which will be used to develop and apply learning. Students will also be directed to key academic and practitioner readings to further develop their learning.

Teaching Method 1: Lectures
Scheduled Directed Student Hours: 24 hours
Description: Lectures will introduce and discuss a range of marketing ethical, sustainability and CSR issues, theories, concepts and examples, in relation to contemporary marketing and consumer practices.
Attendance Recorded: Yes

Teaching Method 2: Seminars
Scheduled Directed Student Hours: 6 hours
Description: The seminars will follow on from the theories, concepts and models introduced in lectures and will focus on applying the theory to practi ce to develop students’ understanding and awareness of marketing ethical and sustainability issues.
Attendance Recorded: Yes

Self-Directed Learning Hours: 120 hours
Description: To encourage wider reading, the module will involve directed and independent reading of relevant textbook chapters and academic journal papers on ethical and sustainable marketing and consumption practices, to enhance students’ comprehension of current marketing and consumer research on marketing ethics, sustainability and CSR. Lectures will be stream captured so that students can playback lecture content and consolidate their learning. Academic lecturers will provide ample feedback/office hours to address student queries and provide guidance. There is also the opportunity for guest speakers during the module.

Skills Mapping:

Skill 1: Ethically Aware
How is it developed: Students will gain the theoretical and practical tools to understand, identify and analyse ethica l and sustainability issues and challenges relating to marketing and consumption practices. These skills will gained via the lectures, seminars and assessment.
How is it assessed: Presentation and Examination

Skill 2: Internationally aware
How is it developed: Students will explore the global implications of ethical and sustainability challenges relating to marketing across different national and cultural contexts, and contemporary consumption practices.
How is it assessed: Presentation and Examination

Skill 3: An excellent communicator
How is it developed: Students will develop their verbal and written communication skills during the seminar discussions and assessments, where they will discuss a range of complex ethical and sustainability issues.
How is it assessed: Presentation and Examination

Skill 4: A team player
How is it developed: Students will develop this skill by working in group discussions during seminars, as well as smaller groups (2-3 students) for the coursework assessment.
How is it assessed: Examination

Skill 5: Organised and able to work under pressure
How is it developed: Students will be expected to work in small groups to plan their coursework. This will be demonstrated in the students’ management of their coursework deadline.
How is it assessed: Presentation and Examination



This module expands on other marketing modules on the programme. For example, the module follows on from MKIB115 Skills for the Marketing Professional, where students develop an awareness of professional skills and are introduced to some issues relating to sustainability, MKIB257 Integrated Marketing Communications, where students examine ethical issues in relation to the production and consumption of advertising campaigns, and MKIB202 Branding, in which students consider the ethical implications of brands. Content will be available through the scheduled learning activities such as lectures and seminars, the VLE (Canvas), videos, case studies, the library, @Reading list.

A breakdown of key topics is provided for indicative purposes:

• Introduction to Ethics and Marketing Ethics
• Introduction to Sustainability and CSR
• Understanding marginalised consumer experiences (e.g. poverty, gender, minority and cross-cultural perspectives) and marketing’s role in overcoming inequalities
• Responsible and sustainable consumption, and ethical decision making
• Social marketing and the promotion of healthy lifestyles and wellbeing
• Responsible marketing, corporate and personal responsibility and becoming a responsible marketer
• Ethical issues in new media/marketing channels, technologies, and regulation.

Recommended Texts

Reading lists are managed at readinglists.liverpool.ac.uk. Click here to access the reading lists for this module.