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The University of Liverpool (UK, Coordinator)

Bergoz Instrumentation (France)
Ciemat (Spain)
CEA (Saclay, France)
CERN (Geneva, Switzerland)
CNA/University of Seville (Spain)
DESY (Hamburg, Germany)
Diamond Detectors Ltd. (UK)
ESRF (Grenoble, France)
Fermilab (Batavia, USA)
GSI (Darmstadt, Germany)
Heidelberg Ion Therapy Center (HIT, Germany)
idQuantique (Geneva, Switzerland)
IFIN-HH (Romania)
INFN-LNS (Italy)
Instrumentation Technologies (Slovenia)
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (Heidelberg, Germany)
Paul Scherrer Institut (Villigen, Switzerland)
Royal Holloway, University of London (Egham, UK)
Riken (Japan)
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
Stockholm University (Sweden) 
THALES Electron Devices (France)
Thermo Fisher Scientific (USA)
TU Prague (Czech Republic)
University of Dundee (UK)
University of Maryland (USA)
University of Uppsala (Sweden)
ViALUX (Germany)
WZWOptics AG (Switzerland)