Research information

The C-GULL Study will look to create wide-reaching networks and collaborations in academia and the public sector. Find out more about the study, and how you can be involved as a collaborator below.

Study details

C-GULL is a prospective, observational cohort study of 10,000 first-born infants and their parents (in triad design), nested within a population-wide, civic data linkage platform. As part of this initial phase, the study will collect extensive biological, biometric, socio-demographic and psychosocial information at two time points antenatally (12-16 weeks gestational age and 32-36 weeks gestational age), birth (delivery), and when the child is aged three, 12 and 24 months.

Pregnant people are eligible to take part in the study if this is their first ongoing pregnancy, their pregnancy is in the first 12-16 weeks, they are aged 16 years and older and they have booked for their maternity care to be provided by Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust.

Innovative data collection methods will be used to assess areas including child development, neighbourhood and family context, family structure, physical and mental health and the home environment. Furthermore, record linkage will be in place for areas such as health and educational information. Human samples will be collected antenatally and around the time of delivery and stored for future use.


The C-GULL Study is a clinical research platform that is open to research access requests across academic, clinical and commercial partners. 

If you would like more information on the study, please contact the C-GULL Study Management Team at

The Study Management Team will be able to provide you with further information on the Research Access Pathway and help to support your Research Access Application. Applications must receive support from the Investigator Group and approval from the Research Access Committee.

Please note:  You must not submit a funding application that includes C-GULL samples, data or participants without going through this process and receiving a final letter of support.

Dates of upcoming Research Access Committee Meetings:

Tuesday 5th December 2023 (Deadline for Research Access Form Submission: 20th November)

Tuesday 5th March 2024 (Deadline for Research Access Form Submission:  19th February)

Tuesday 4th June 2024 (Deadline for Research Access Form Submission:  20th May)

Tuesday 3rd September 2024 (Deadline for Research Access Form Submission: 19th August)

Tuesday 3rd December 2024 (Deadline for Research Access Form Submission: 18th November)



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