New Data Science Fellow joins the LIV.DAT and LIV.INNO CDTs

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LIV.DAT and LIV.INNO would like to offer a warm welcome to Dr Alexander Hill, who has joined the QUASAR Group as a Liverpool Data Science Fellow where he will collaborate with students and staff on their projects, work with industry, and drive training and activities within the LIV.DAT and LIV.INNO programmes.

In 2016 Alexander Hill graduated with an MPhys degree in Physics and Astronomy at Durham University. As part of his master’s dissertation, he used data from the MUSE spectrograph to study galaxies at the time of their peak star formation.

Alexander started his PhD in 2017 as part of the first LIV.DAT cohort, a doctoral training collaboration between Liverpool John Moores University and the University of Liverpool. His research focussed on using simulations of galaxy formation and evolution to study the orientations and alignments of galaxies with respect to their host dark matter halo and the cosmic web. His industrial placement took place at IBM Research UK, located at the Sci-Tech Daresbury campus. While at IBM, Alex researched the use of surrogate modelling in the approximation of complex simulations. After completing his PhD, he undertook a postdoctoral position within the Astrophysics Research Institute, studying the link between the clustering of galaxies and the assembly time of dark matter haloes.
