The University of Bath hosted Bruno Galante on a secondment

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From 3rd to 17th November 2019 AVA Fellow Bruno Galante visited the University of Bath for a secondment in the Nanotechnology Laboratory. In this environment, Bruno could gain expertise in all the steps necessary for the growth of carbon nanotubes (CNTs).

CNTs are at the base of the studies conducted by Bruno regarding the generation of cold electrons for the optimization of electron cooling in ELENA, in particular the optimization of the electron gun generating the electron beam necessary for the cooling process.

In the Nanotechnology Laboratory in Bath, it was possible for Bruno to first learn and familiarize himself with all the techniques involved in CNTs growth and then reproduce all of them independently.
There were several skills that Bruno acquired: design of custom patterns for the CNT array, vaporization of catalyst material on Silicon (Si) wafer, Si wafer cutting and ultimately the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) growth itself, which finally allowed CNTs growth on the top of pre-treated wafers.
All the samples produced will be part of a set of experiments to be conducted jointly by CERN and Bath.

Furthermore, a second secondment is being planned in order to conduct some Field Emission (FE) experiments in Bath with their FE rig. This further step would allow to compare results achieved with similar, yet different, experimental setups and gain expertise with different instruments and technologies.