AVA Fellow presents research at COOL'19

On September 23-27, the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP) hosted COOL'19, the 12th, bi-annual, international workshop on beam cooling in Novosibirsk, Russi. The institute is where Gersh Itskovich Budker invented the method of electron cooling in 1966 and later demonstrated its effectiveness in 1974. This year's workshop focused on the various aspects of the methods and techniques in the cooling of charged particle beams.
AVA Fellow Bianca Veglia presented her latest research results at the event. Her work describes the benchmarking of two electron cooling simulation programs with experimental data taken at the ESR and LEIR storage rings and includes simulation results of the expected performance of the newly installed ELENA electron cooler.
Beam cooling is essential to control the ion beam properties and to improve the beam quality by increasing the intensity and the lifetime for experiments and by counteracting on heating processes (such as deceleration and interaction of the beam with itself).
The workshop had numerous interesting talks about the development of new electron coolers for novel facilities (EICC in China, NICA in Russia) and presented new results from existing experiments that gave a wide overview on the horizon of beam cooling. The participants also visited the accelerators situated in the institute: ВЭПП-2000 (an electron-positron collider) and the local Free Electron Laser.
It was a stimulating and discussion-filled event that sparked new ideas and possible experiments.