Antimatter detector selected as 2017 Research Highlight

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Superconductor Science and Technology (SUST) is an international multidisciplinary journal for papers on all aspects of superconductivity. It covers theories of superconductivity, the relation of microstructure and growth to superconducting properties, as well as R&D into the fabrication and properties of thin films and devices.

The journal has just published a collection of some of the best articles in 2017. They were chosen based on a number of criteria, including presentation of outstanding research, popularity with readership and high praise from referees.

A research article by Dr Miguel Fernandes from the QUASAR Group on “Non-perturbative measurement of low-intensity charged particle beams” is one of the ones chosen for this special collection. It describes a novel sensor that can measure the absolute beam intensity of pulsed and continuous beams of antiprotons and ions. This work marks a breakthrough for experiment callibration and obtaining more comprehensive information about low intensity beams. The paper can be accessed via the following link, under section "large scale applications".

Congratulations to Miguel and all who have contributed for this award!