Photo of Em P Neil Jackson

Em P Neil Jackson Dip Arch, MA, PhD, RIBA, FSA

Professor Emeritus Architecture


Neil Jackson has retired from the University of Liverpool and is therefore not involved in any teaching.

As an architect and an architectural historian, I teach in both the design studio and the lecture theatre/seminar environment. I also supervise dissertations at MArch and PhD level. In the studio, I like to direct students towards smaller-scale or domestic architecture where there is a particular interest in the use and application of materials. In the lecture theatre I teach British, American and Japanese 19th and 20th-century architecture and there I try to make connections, for the student, to what they are doing in the design studio; for I believe that a thorough understanding of architectural history is essential to the successful design of buildings today. In graduate and post-graduate research, at MArch and PhD level, I have supervised students writing on a number of themes which relate to my own research interests and experience. I am in favour good, solid, empirical research and welcome students who are hungry for knowledge and the thrill of discovery.