Laura McGarty

Research Culture Development Manager


Laura’s role

The main aspects of Laura’s role on the Thrive team includes engaging with stakeholders across the university sector, AHRC, and UKRI more broadly, to understand the functionality of established processes through the lifecycle of a funding call and to determine the systems and structural changes required to support new models of team-based working.

Working with AHRC, Anna will develop and deliver a pilot funding call which supports exploration and trialling of models of team-based working. This will include capturing the experiences of research teams involved in preparing applications to the pilot call and sharing across the research sector an understanding of an emerging model of team-led research projects.

About Laura

Laura has worked in a number of roles in the Higher Education sector, including student recruitment and widening participation, research strategy, communications, strategic planning and research development.  Laura is also currently Research Development Manager for the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Liverpool

Contact Laura
