Lady in NHS stressed

Stress and resilience

In this section we will regularly update content, highlighting learning from other areas and identifying key recommendations.

Healthcare staff are adept at dealing with the pressures and challenges of daily practice. The current situation has increased these significantly and created new challenges.

In order to maintain effective operations and continue delivering quality care, it is important for staff to maintain a clear sense of resilience and capacity, when looking after patients, teams members and themselves.

Responses to stress - Professor Laurence Alison 

How to recognise these symptoms in others, and be self-aware and reflective enough to recognise these in yourself.

Building resilience and positive coping skills - Professor Laurence Alison 

Support for you to build resilience and positive coping skills.


Further information

The following document is available for free distribution.

Project ARES - Stress Resilience AIDE (pdf)

REA - Health Implications for Health Care

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