Department of Electrical Engineering & Electronics

High Frequency Engineering Group


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Welcome to join our group


We welcome people with the right background and expertise to join us as a Research Student, or Research Assistant/Associate, or Visiting Scholar

To be a Research Student, you must register as an MPhil (for 12 to 18 months) or PhD (for 36 to 48 months) student. The tuition fees are about £3,000/year for home students and £11,000/year for overseas students, which is a lot of money for most people. The university does offer some studentships as advertised on the website:

However, the numbers are very limited and the competition is stiff. We are happy to support your application if you are very keen to join us and of outstanding merit and research potential. It is also possible to obtain limited financial support from the department and our research group funds. 

To apply for PhD positions, please follow the University website:

and make it clear in the application form that you would like to study under my supervision thus the form will be passed on to me to process.

To be a Research Assistant/Associate, you are normally expected to have a PhD degree and must be employed by the University.

To be a Visiting Scholar, you need to have a good first degree with some work/research experience in wireless communications and RF/microwave engineering. The university will expect your sponsor to pay a "bench fee", which is about £2,000. Financial support may be obtained from many organizations, such as the Royal Society and British Council. Please check their websites for details. If you are self-financed, we normally will pay this fee for you. 

Please click here for the latest vacancies in our group.