Photo of Mrs Margaret Stanley

Mrs Margaret Stanley PGCE, MA

PPIE Coordinator for The Return Project IPH Professional Services


    Personal Statement

    I am the PPIE Coordinator within the NIHR funded Return Project, (Interventions to Reduce Inequalities in the Uptake of Routine Dental Care) and the Correlation study for Self-Reported Behavioural Automaticity Index (SRBAI) and frequency of tooth brushing behaviour.
    Since my appointment in 2018, I have successfully established links with new community partners to incorporate a far wider demographic within our clinical research.
    I have developed the use of innovative engagement practices to include more of the traditionally “easily overlooked” groups.
    I have an extensive background in education, and social history, specialising in promoting equality and tolerance.
    I am an alumni of University of Liverpool, BA and MA, focusing on media representations of Liverpool.