OMA Fellow back to school

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Ewa Oponowicz, OMA fellow based at the University of Manchester / Cockcroft Institute, has performed her first outreach activity within the OMA project. Last month she gave a talk to high school students in her hometown in Poland.

Having briefly explained the principles of accelerators, Ewa introduced the students to research in this field by giving some impressive facts about the LHC, the largest and most powerful accelerator in the world. To show how wide the range of accelerator applications is, she presented several examples, starting with medicine, through cargo scanning to archaeology.

As the audience consisted of students who are about to choose their university and career path, they had plenty of questions - not only on the accelerators, but also about the general research opportunities and the young scientist career. Ewa spoke to them about the advantages of being a researcher and has stayed in touch with those particularly interested in science to answer the questions arising.