FLASH Infrastructure Update

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FLASH or ultra-high dose rate radiotherapy is attracting worldwide interest as it has the potential to reduce both side effects and treatment times for patients whilst still supressing tumour growth. FLASH also appears to be agnostic of treatment modality and can be delivered using protons, electrons or photons.

To understand more about how FLASH operates and its future potential, Cancer Research UK RadNet have funded a FLASH infrastructure. This brings together the multidisciplinary skills and capabilities of the CRUK RadNet community to enable cutting edge research in this new and exciting modality that could transform radiotherapy.

A virtual workshop will be held on Thursday 30 November from 11:00 to 14:00 GMT, to introduce this infrastructure, highlight the latest research and provide information of how one can become involved.

Attendance this event is free of charge but requires reservation. To register and see the agenda please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/flash-infrastructure-update-tickets-732685781897?aff=oddtdtcreator