Very High Energy Electron Radiotherapy Conference 2023

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credit: VHEE (

The use of Very High Energy (50-250 MeV) Electron (VHEE) beams for Radiotherapy, and those involving FLASH radiotherapy or ultra-high dose rate (>=100 Gy/s) delivery, is at present a consolidated topic of research in many laboratories around the world.

The last VHEE conference took place online in 2020, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, ( and a lot of progress has been made since then. Therefore, a follow up conference has been called this year.

This time the meeting we will be held in person from 11-13 July at DESY-Hamburg, where a new electron linac ARES ( is being prepared for “in vivo” experiments at high-energy. Hybrid zoom participation will also be possible.

The list of topics to be explored are:

  • Current State of the Art.
  • Treatment Planning, Modelling and Imaging.
  • Current conventional facilities at intermediate (ELBE, PITZ, Flastron IC,Antwarpen..) and high (CLEAR, CLARA,ARES, ..) energies.
  • Current and future non-conventional facilities LPA (DRACO, CALA, LOA, KALDERA)
  • Planned future facilities (DEFT, FRIDA,...)
  • Accelerators R&D and Technologies: distributed coupling, cryogenic copper, millimetric waves or THz sources...
  • Interest from industries.

PhD students and young researchers are invited to submit abstracts to be presented during a dedicated poster session. Best posters will have the possibility to present their work in a short oral presentation. Please submit the abstracts as indicated in the indico page:

Industries are also welcome to participate in a special industrial session.

For more information and registration please visit the Indico page: or contact: