Final meeting of the OMA Steering Committee in Amsterdam

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After four exciting years at the forefront of medical accelerator research and training, the OMA journey is coming to an end. Last week, the Steering Committee of OMA met for one last time at the facilities of NIKHEF, in Amsterdam, to review the outcomes of the project, plan future activities and write the final summary report for the European Commission.

OMA has been a highly successful training initiative, bringing together 38 institutions from all over Europe with the common purpose of providing the best training experience to a cohort of early stage researchers in the fields of beam imaging and diagnostics, treatment optimization, and facility design. Through a series of cutting-edge research projects, the network has trained 15 highly qualified fellows, equipping them with a broad set of skills.

The OMA network has produced more than 40 publications in journal and conference proceedings in four years. It has organised 11 training events, in the form of schools and topical workshops, one international conference, one outreach symposium, and a large number of outreach activities that have brought the social benefits of particle accelerator research closer to the public.

The steering committee highlighted, among other benefits, the opportunities for collaborative research offered by the extensive programme of secondments built in the OMA project, and it decided to capitalise on its legacy by continuing the communication and network activities of OMA beyond the official end of the project. Stay tuned!