Photo of Professor David Atkinson

Professor David Atkinson Ph.D.

Professor of Integrative Ecology Evolution, Ecology & Behaviour


    Adaptation to Temperature

    Cover of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (see Forster et al. 2012)
    Cover of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (see Forster et al. 2012)

    a) Temperature Effects on Body Size - The Temperature-Size Rule

    99.9% of species rely on external sources for their body heat: these are ectotherms.

    Body size and temperature have major impacts on organisms in nature.

    The “Temperature-Size Rule” (TSR) (Atkinson 1994) is an inverse relationship between rearing temperature and final size in ectotherms. Understanding it remains a major challenge.

    We have performed empirical tests, meta-analyses and developed new theory.

    We have shown that warming causes greater size reduction in aquatic than terrestrial species, and that responses observed in controlled experiments are mirrored in the field across latitudes and seasons.

    Experimental organisms: fish, Daphnia, insects, Bryozoa and protists.

    Collaborator: Dr A. Hirst, Queen Mary Univ of London;

    Funding: NERC

    See: Atkinson 1994, Atkinson et al. 2003, Atkinson et al. 2006, Forster et al. 2012, Horne et al. 2015.

    b) Limits to Adaptation

    We are investigating how rapidly species can evolve, what the limits are to evolution, and how evolution of one species will affect the rest of the ecosystem with which it interacts.

    These questions are being answered using large-scale freshwater mesocosm experiments that focus on the evolutionary response of the water flea Daphnia magna to an increased frequency of heat waves.

    The work aims to advance understanding of how genetic diversity, plasticity and epigenetics contribute and combine to allow populations to adapt to environmental change and how this affects biodiversity and functioning of shallow freshwater ecosystems.

    Collaborators: Dr Stew Plaistow, Prof Steve Paterson (Univ Liverpool); Prof Luc De Meester (KU Leuven); Dr Heidrun Feuchtmayr (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Lancaster)

    Funding: NERC Highlight Grant, 2016-2020

    See Geerts et al. 2015

    New Metabolic Scaling Theory for Predicting Biologically-driven Ecological Rates

    During growth, shape-shifting can have major effects on metabolic rates
    During growth, shape-shifting can have major effects on metabolic rates

    Our quantification of a new metabolic scaling theory (MST) improves predictions of ecological influences on metabolically driven rates and scaling relationships.

    Collaborators: Prof. D.S. Glazier, Juniata College USA; Dr A.G. Hirst, Queen Mary University of London, Dr A.J. Kerkhoff, Kenyon College, USA; Dr J.G. Okie, Arizona State University, USA

    Funding: NCEAS (NSF, State of California, Univ. of California); Leverhulme Trust.

    See: Killen et al. 2010, Hirst et al. 2014, Glazier et al. 2015.

    Ecosystem and Conservation Impacts of Climate and Multiple Stressors

    Experimental ecosystems at Ness Botanic Gardens used to investigate rapid evolution and stressor effects on shallow freshwaters
    Experimental ecosystems at Ness Botanic Gardens used to investigate rapid evolution and stressor effects on shallow freshwaters

    a) Climate and Eutrophication Impacts on Ecosystem Functioning

    Our large-scale ecosystem manipulations showed 4 °C warming plus nutrient loading had major impacts on Daphnia evolution and on ecosystem metabolic balance and community composition.

    See: Moran et al. 2010, Feuchtmayr et al. 2009, Geerts et al. 2015.

    Funding: European Union

    b) Climate Impacts on Disease Dynamics.

    We predict that differences in thermal sensitivity of rate of contact between pathogen and hosts will explain much variation in climate effects on epidemiology of diseases of ectotherms.

    Thermal sensitivities of rates affecting parasite transmission have now been characterized for beetle: parasite system, for incorporation into our epidemiological model.

    Collaborators: Prof. G. Hurst, Dr J. Ryder (postdoc); Prof. M. Boots, Univ. of California, Berkeley; Dr R. Knell, Queen Mary Univ of London.

    Funding: NERC.

    Research Grants

    Case Studentship Laura lee


    October 2016 - September 2020

    Climate-related size shifts in aquatic species: mechanism, prediction and mitigation


    May 2017 - January 2021

    Limits to Adaptation


    May 2016 - September 2021

    Temperature impacts on parasite epidemiology - case study of a contact-transmitted insect parasite


    April 2009 - August 2012

    Size and wing loading in flying insects: effects of warming versus other environmental influences.


    August 2004 - October 2004

    Whole life-cycle responses to changing temperature and oxygen levels: experiments using a bryozoan model system.


    May 1998 - December 2001

    The proposed work analyses databases that combine already published datasets with ones that I have been constructing from literature sources over the last 4 years


    November 2008 - August 2009

    Integrated project to evaluate the impacts of global change on European freshwater ecosystems (EURO-LIMPACS).


    February 2004 - January 2009

    Size responses of protists to temperature: towards predicting impacts of warming on production in freshwater and marine environments.


    June 2001 - August 2001

    Environmental warming and the functioning of freshwater ecosystems.


    March 1998 - February 2001