
In order to be able to use the University's business systems it is necessary to be registered. Registration for use of these systems is for staff only.

All staff are advised to read the Regulations for the Use of IT Facilities at the University of Liverpool and the related Codes of Practice irrespective of the type of access required. Printed copies are available from the IT Service Desk.

What do I need to request access?

In order to request access to a business system, you will need:

  • An account on the Management Windows Service (MWS) - you will use your MWS username and password to log on to your computer;
  • Authorisation from your line manager or Head of Department; and
  • A completed business system registration form.

First of all, ensure that you are registered to use the Managed Windows Service (MWS). If you are a new member of staff, and have not already done so, you should activate your computing account.

You will then need to provide your MWS username on the relevant business system registration form which you should download and complete. Registration forms must be authorised by your line manager or Head of Department.

Each registration form contains guidance which you will need to follow, along with the details of any additional authorisation which may be required from departments with responsibility for certain business systems.