Astronomy Field Trip – Tenerife 2011

 Some snapshots...

Clouds far below us
Mons Telescope dome
Timelapse movie of clouds

Mons Telescope

Team 'G' on the Mons

Team 'G' on the Mons

Team 'G' on the Mons

Team 'G' on the Mons

Team 'OM' on the Mons

Team 'OM' on the Mons

Team 'OM' on the Mons

Team 'OM' on the Mons

Team 'OM' on the Mons

Team 'UC' on the Mons

Team 'UC' on the Mons

Team 'UC' on the Mons

Team 'UC' on the Mons

Team 'UC' on the Mons

Group photo... location *

Rocks in the Teide caldera

Volcanic plug

Another group photo

 Some panoramas...

View of Teide Observatory
Mons telescope dome (foreground right) and some accommodation (background centre)

View of Mount Teide from Observatory

Caldera of Mount Teide (altitude ~ 2500m)

 Some astrophotography...

Milky Way through Scutum and Scorpius
Mosaic of four 8 x 2 min exposures

Centre of the Milky Way in Scorpius
Mosaic of two 8 x 2 min exposures

Night sky images taken with a Nikon D200 and a 18-70mm lens set at 70mm f/4.5. The DSLR camera was mounted on my K2 star tracker to give pinpoint star images rather than star trails. Each image is the result of adding together eight 2-minute exposures to improve the image quality. These images were then mosaicked to give the results above.

Steve Barrett    July 2011

All images © Steve Barrett 2011

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