
•Bate, E, Hommes, J. Duvivier, RJ and Taylor, DCM (2014) Problem-Based Learning: getting the most out of your students, their roles and responsibilities: AMEE Guide 84. Association of Medical Education in Europe, Dundee
•Taylor DCM and Hamdy H (2013) Adult learning theories - Implications for learning and teaching in medical education:AMEE Guide 83. Association of Medical Education in Europe, Dundee
• Taylor DCM and Miflin B (2008) Problem-based Learning: Where are we now?. AMEE Guide 36. Association of Medical Education in Europe, Dundee
• Taylor DCM and Pierau Fr-K (1991) Nociceptive Afferent Neurones. Studies in Neuroscience. Manchester University Press, Manchester

Book Contributions 
• Taylor, D. C. M., & Gibbs, T. J. (2015). Programmatic research: building and sustaining capacity. In J. A. Cleland & S. J. Durning (Eds.), Researching Medical Education (pp. 281-288): John Wiley & Sons, Ltd..
• Maudsley G and Taylor DCM. (2009) Learning professionalism in a problem-based curriculum [Practice: Case studies in teaching professionalism across the continuum]. In: Cruess RL, Cruess SR and Steinert Y ed(s). Teaching Medical Professionalism. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: pp 225-245.

Journal Articles 
•Ashcroft, D. M., Lewis, P. J., Tully, M. P., Farragher, T. M., Taylor, D. C. M., Wass, V., . . . Dornan, T. (2015). Prevalence, nature, severity and risk factors for prescribing errors in hospital inpatients:Prospective study in 20 UK hospitals. Drug Safety. doi:10.1007/s40264-015-0320-x
•Lewis, P. J., Ashcroft, D. M., Dornan, T., Taylor, D. C. M., Wass, V., & Tully, M. (2014). Exploring junior doctors' prescribing mistakes. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 78(2), 310-319. doi:10.1111/bcp.12332
•Bate, E, Hommes, J. Duvivier, RJ and Taylor, DCM (2014) Problem-Based Learning: getting the most out of your students, their roles and responsibilities: AMEE Guide 84. Medical Teacher vol 36 issue 1 pp 1-12
•Taylor DCM, Kachur EK, Hofhansl A and Maerz R (2014) Students as peer teachers and mentors. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung vol 9 issue 1 pp 93-102
•Lewis PJ, Ashcroft DM, Dornan T, Taylor D, Wass V and Tully M (2014) Exploring the causes of junior doctors’ prescribing mistakes: a qualitative study. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (DOI: 10.1111/bcp.12332)
•Taylor DCM and Hamdy H (2013) Adult learning theories - Implications for learning and teaching in medical education:AMEE Guide 83. Medical Teacher vol 35 issue 11 pp e1561-e1572
•Cocksedge, ST and Taylor, DCM (2013) The National Student Survey: Is it just a bad DREEM?. Medical Teacher vol 35 issue 12 pp e1638-e1643
•Bate, E. and Taylor, DCM (2013) Twelve tips on how to survive PBL as a medical student. Medical Teacher vol 35 pp 95-100
•Garner, J., McKendree, J., O'Sullivan, H. and Taylor, D. C. M. (2010) Undergraduate medical student attitudes to the peer assessment of professional behaviours in two medical school. Education for Primary Care, 21(1), 32-37.
•Marais D, Marais ML, Visser J, Boome C and Taylor DCM (2012) What do dietetics students think professionalism entails?. African Journal of Health Professions Education vol 4 issue 1 pp 28-33
• Maudsley G, Williams EMI and Taylor DCM (2010) 'Medical students’ and prospective medical students’ uncertainties about career intentions: cross-sectional and longitudinal studies' [Web paper]. Medical Teacher vol 32 issue 3 pp e143-e151
• Watmough, S. D., O'Sullivan, H. and Taylor, D. C. M. (2010) Graduates from a reformed undergraduate medical curriculum based on Tomorrow's Doctors evaluate the effectiveness of their curriculum 6 years after graduation through interviews. BMC Medical Education, 10(1), 65.
• Lewis PJ, Dornan T, Taylor D, Tully MP, Wass V and Ashcroft DM (2009) 'Prevalence, incidence and nature of prescribing errors in hospital inpatients:a systematic review'. Drug safety vol 32 issue 5 pp 379-389
• Tully MP, Ashcroft DM, Dornan T, Lewis PJ, Taylor D and Wass V (2009) 'The causes of and factors associated with prescribing errors: Systematic Review'. Drug Safety vol 32 issue 10 pp 819-836
• Taylor David CM (2008) 'Die Revolution leichter als die Evolution ist / Revolution is easier than evolution!'. Zeitschrift fuer Hochshulentwicklung vol 3 issue 4 pp 8
• Taylor DCM and Miflin B (2008) Problem Based Learning: Where are we now?. Medical Teacher vol 30 issue 8 pp 742-763
• Maudsley G, Williams EMI, Taylor DCM (2008) 'Problem-based learning at the receiving end: A 'mixed methods' study of junior medical students' perspectives' [on Online First (electronic): Epub 2007 Feb 7]. Advances in Health Sciences Education vol 13 issue 4 pp 435-451
• Watmough Simon, Taylor David and Ryland Ida (2007) Using questionnaires to determine whether medical graduates' career choice is determined by undergraduate or postgraduate experiences. Medical Teacher vol 29 issue 8 pp 830 - 832
• Maudsley G, Williams EMI and Taylor DCM (2007) 'Junior medical students' notions of 'a good doctor' and motivation for medicine: 'mixed methods' study'. Medical Education vol 41 issue 5 pp 476–486
• Watmough S, Taylor D and Garden A (2006) 'Educational Supervisors evaluate the preparedness of graduates from a reformed UK curriculum to work as Pre-registration House Officers (PRHOs): A qualitative study'. Medical Education vol 40 issue 10 pp 995-1001
• Watmough S, Garden AS and Taylor DCM (2006) 'Does a new integrated PBL curriculum with specific communication skills classes produce Pre Registration House Officers (PRHOs) with improved communication skills?'. Medical Teacher vol 28 issue 3 pp 264-269
• Watmough S, Taylor DC and Garden AS (2006) 'Educational supervisors' views on the competencies of preregistration house officers.'. British Journal of Hospital Medicine vol 67 issue 2 pp 92-95
• Watmough S, Ryland I, Garden A and Taylor D (2006) 'PRHOs assess their skills and competencies through questionnaires'. British Journal of Hospital Medicine vol 67 issue 9 pp 487-490
• Watmough S Taylor D Garden A (2006) Pre-registration house officers (PRHOs) give their views about studying under a reformed medical curriculum in the UK.. Medical Education vol 40 issue 9 pp 893-899
• Watmough S, Howard J and Taylor D (2005) 'Perceptions of PRHOs and their supervisors on the introduction of undergraduate problem-based learning and community based education in the Mersey region.'. Education for primary care vol 16 pp 491-492
• David CM Taylor (2004) Reflections from the salt mine - 8 years' experience of problem-based learning. The Clinical Teacher vol 1 issue 2 pp 59-61
• Taylor D (2002) A problem shared. Medical Education vol 36 issue 7 pp 598-9
• Taylor D C (2001) Targeted training for problem-based learning. Medical Education vol 35 issue 11 pp 1082
• Taylor D (1997) Personal development. Medical Education vol 31 Suppl 1 pp 15-6
• Evans P A and Taylor D C (1996) Staff development of tutor skills for problem-based learning. Medical Education vol 30 issue 5 pp 365-6

• Ashcroft D, Dornan T, Heathfield H, Lewis P, Miles J, Taylor D, Tully M and Wass V. (2008) The cause of and factors associated with prescribing errors: Systematic Review. Manchester, General Medical Council.
• Ashcroft D, Dornan T,Heathfield H, Lewis P, Miles J, Taylor D, Tully M and Wass V.. (2007) An in depth investigation into causes of prescribing errors by foundation trainees in relation to their medical education. Manchester, General Medical Council.


If you have any questions about the publications please email me: David Taylor.