Iron paddle steamer Osprey, built Barclay & Curle, Glasgow, 1852, 191 grt, 109 nrt, 169.6 x 18.5 x 8.8ft, engine by Caird, Greenock. First owner City of Cork SS Co, registered Glasgow. Sold 1853 to Pacific Steam Navigation Co., Liverpool, registered Liverpool 1854. Left Liverpool (via Plymouth on 29th January 1854) for Valparaiso, master William Askew. Missing.

Since news of the loss had reached Liverpool 4 months after she departed, and no reports of her arriving at intermediate destinations have been found, it is likely she was lost in the Atlantic.

[from Northern Daily Times - Monday 02 January 1854]:
LOADING FOREIGN. MADEIRA, RIO, AND VALPARAISO, Osprey, Askew, Pacific Steam Co, Dec 19.. Hkn

[from Shipping and Mercantile Gazette - Saturday 21 January 1854]:
PADSTOW. Jan. 19: The P. S. N. C. steamer Osprey, Askew, for Lima and Panama. has gone round to Plymouth to procure seamen.

[from Shipping and Mercantile Gazette - Monday 23 January 1854]:
PLYMOUTH. Put in, 20, The Osprey (s), Askew, from Liverpool for Valparaiso, for coals.

[from Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser - Wednesday 01 February 1854]:
Plymouth. Sailed 29 the Osprey (s) for Valparaiso.

[from Liverpool Mercury - Friday 23 June 1854]:
From Lima. May 11, We understand that the Pacific Steam Navigation Company are daily expecting the arrival of a fast sailing steamer to be placed in the above trade ... The Osprey, the name of the steamship intended for this trade, will leave Callao for Chincas [sic Chinchas] and Pisco on the 1st, 8th, 15th, and 24th of each month... [Osprey did not arrive]

[from Liverpool Mercury - Friday 26 May 1854]:
DEATHS. Lost, on board the steamer Osprey, bound to Valparaiso, R. Vallancey, Esq., son of R. Vallancey, Esq., late 1st royals, and nephew of the Rev. H. E. F. Vallancey, vicar of Sutton, St. Helen's.