Selected Mathematical Journals:

Other complete listings:
AMS list, wiki list, and CS Journals
  1. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS)
  2. Acta Numerica (CUP)
  3. Advances in Computational Mathematics (Kluwer)
  4. Applied Mathematics (Open access -- Scientific Research)
  5. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
  6. Applied Numerical Mathematics
  7. Applied Mathematics and Computation Elsevier Applied Mathematics And Computation
  8. BIT journal
  9. Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science - MSP
  10. Communications in Computational Physics - GS
  11. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics - CPAM
  12. Communications in Mathematical Sciences - CMS
  13. Computational Analysis and Applications - CAA
  14. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics Elsevier
  15. Computer Vision and Image Understanding : CVIU
  16. Computers & Graphics
  17. Computers, Materials and Continua
  18. Computers and Mathematics with Applications
  19. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics (CMAM)
  20. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Elsevier
  21. Computing
  22. Geometry, Imaging and Computing International Press of Boston
  23. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
  24. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
  25. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
  26. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
  27. Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements
  28. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA)
  29. Foundations of Computational Mathematics , Springer-Verlag...
  30. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design Elsevier
  31. Graphical Models (Graphical Models and Image Processing)
  32. Geometry, Imaging and Computing (2013)
  33. IMA J. Numer. Anal.
  34. Image and Vision Computing
  35. International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics IJCMESM
  36. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
  37. International Journal of Computational Mathematics (IJCM) Ml -- Hindawi
  38. International Journal of Computer Mathematics (IJCM) Mr -- Taylor & F
  39. International Journal of Computational Methods (IJCM) Mds -- World Sci
  40. International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics (IJCSM)
  41. International Journal of Computer Vision
  42. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology
  43. International Journal of Modern Mathematics IJMM
  44. International Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (wau)
  45. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
  46. Inverse Problems IOP
  47. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering
  48. Inverse Problems and Imaging
  49. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation
  50. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling
  51. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
  52. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing (IJWMIP) (new 2003)
  53. Journal of Approximation Theory Elsevier
  54. Journal of Computational Mathematics (JCM) Beijing
  55. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
  56. Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (JCMSE)
  57. Journal of Computational Physics
  58. Journal of Electronic Imaging
  59. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
  60. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
  61. Journal of Mathematical Research and Application
  62. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms (JMMA)
  63. Journal of Medical Imaging SPIE
  64. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
  65. Machine Vision and Applications
  66. Mathematics of Computation
  67. Mathematical and Computer Modelling Elsevier
  68. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
  69. Medical Physics
  70. Numerical Algorithms (Springer)
  71. Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
  72. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
  73. Numerische Mathematik (Springer)
  74. Numerical Methods Partial Differential Equations
  75. Parallel Computing Elsevier
  76. Pattern Analysis and Applications
  77. Pattern Recognition
  78. Real-Time Imaging
  79. Signal Processing: Image Communication
  80. SIAM Journals: SIMS + SISC + MMS etc

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