Some brief background

Ke Chen obtained his first degree (BSc in Applied Mathematics) from Dalian University of Technology (one of the key and highly ranked national Universities) in 1983.
After taking up a lectureship in the same University for 2 years, he went on to do a MSc degree (in Numerical Analysis and Computing) in the University of Manchester during 1985-86:
• Project: Multigrid Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Problems [Fast solvers for PDEs]

During 1987-1990, he completed his Ph.D degree (in Numerical Analysis) from The University of Plymouth:
• Project: Analysis of Iterative Methods for the Helmholtz Equation [Boundary integral equations and dense matrix probelms]

In 1990, he took up a post-doctoral position (EPSRC/DTI) in the University of Reading on a
• Project: Adaptive Petrov-Galerkin Methods for Nonlinear Diffusion Equations in Semiconductor Simulation [Fast and Accurate solvers for PDEs].

Then he has been with the University of Liverpool as a
      lecturer (1993) and a
      senior lecturer (2001) followed by a
      reader (2004) and a personal chair
      professor (2006 --)
in applied mathematics. Since 2008, he has been the director of CMIT. During 2005-6, he was awarded a Leverhulme research fellowship. His normal duties include

In 1995, he acquired the status of a chartered mathematician as a fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications.