Welcome to my home, to the University / Liverpool

    Ke Chen

  Visiting Professor
  New home

    Computational Mathematics Group,
    Department of Mathematical Sciences,
    The University of Liverpool,
    Maths Sci Building,   Peach Street,
    Voice: +44 151 794 4741
    Fax:   (+44) 151 794 4061.
    Centre for Mathematical Imaging Techniques
    EPSRC Liverpool Centre of Mathematics for Healthcare
    School of Physical Sciences
    Liverpool L69 7ZL,     United Kingdom.

    Email k.chen @ liverpool.ac.uk   and   Twitter    
                    k.chen @ strath.ac.uk

        Publications   and   Software    
        Research Activities            
        Teaching Activities
        Useful Lecture Notes
        Conference Links   and   Journals
My research interests are in development and anlaysis of novel mathematical models and efficient computer algorithms for applied mathematical problems. Recent work has been focused on mathematical imaging models (including learning / AI) and their applications in a range of areas and tasks such as restoration, segmentation and registration. We use intensively nonlinear PDEs, nonlinear optimization and variational methods.
I am honoured to serve on the Editorial Boards of
Numerical Algorithms: NuMA
International Journal of Computer Mathematics: IJCM
Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications: JMRA
Journal of Imaging: JoI
Computational Mathematics and Computer Modeling CMCMA
        Fully funded studentships: Post 1 See here (award at home/UK level)
and Post 2 See here ( CDT award at home/UK level)

International workshop on Image Processing and Machine Learning Workshop 2024, Tsing Hua University, (Yao Centre): Mar 1-4, 2024.
International workshop on Mathematics of AI and Imaging: theories and algorithms, Xiangtan University, Dec 14-17 2023.
International Conf Applied Maths (May 30 - June 3 2023)
Mathematics in Advanced Medical Imaging (Dec 2019 - Jan 2020)
5th Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (Nov 2019)
4th Image Processing (IPTA 2019) @ Liverpool (Jul 2019)
Cambridge Achieving Impact in Healthcare (Apr 2019)
Liverpool Maths-Healthcare workshop (Jan 2019)
Nanjing ICCM-CAM conference (Dec 2018)
Glasgow 5-UK Centres Workshop (Sep 2018)
Cambridge Turing Gateway joint workshop (May 2018)
Beijing Image Proc and Inverse Problem workshop (Apr 2018)
Cambridge Isaac Newton Institute workshop (Oct 2017)
Beijing Capital Normal University workshop (Jun 2017)
Harbin IP: TMA workshop (May 2017)
SIAM IS 16 photo (May 2016) Albuquerque, NM, USA
Nan Kai ICIAM Satellite Math Imaging Workshop (Aug 2015) Tian Jin
CMIT imaging workshop (Jul 2015) Liverpool
Dynamic Imaging workshop photo (Jun 2015) Cambridge Isaac Newton
Image Optimization workshop photo (Jan 2015) Sanya
Inverse Problems and Imaging workshop photo (Jul 2014) Beijing
SIAM IS 14 photo (May 2014) Hong Kong Baptist Uni
Singapore conference: CMCGS (Feb 2014)
Macau workshop (Dec 2011)
CMIT workshop photo and Slides (Jun 2011)
Nanjing 08 photo (NASC conference, Aug 2008)
Oxford workshop (Mar 2008)
Graduation (Jul 2003)
More CMIT photos
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